Monday, August 30, 2010

written while eating roasted red pepper hummus

nothing too exciting in my world these days. i just got back from savannah where i was visiting my sister. did you know that you can walk around outside there with open alcohol containers? i thought i was in russia again.

anyway, i'm back in seattle studying like a maniac for the lsat. happily not looking for a job. and i got an letter in the mail from our dear health insurance company (for one more day). apparently they decided to cover the iud. i was kind of secretly hoping for a battle but they just mailed me an updated bill. no letter saying they decided to cover it or apologizing for being asses in the first place. just a new, much smaller bill. thanks summit america.

other than that the only thing exciting on my horizon is fall quarter. i just registered for classes and its gonna be HOT! my classes are 1)intimate relationships, 2)refugee women, and 3)interracial sex. i'm not kidding, somehow i got assigned to a class called interracial sex. is there something about it i don't know? what is it like when people of different races have sex? it makes me think of stacy explaining that guatemalan men have smaller penises so they need smaller condoms. what really kills me is that there are no books for the class. it'll probably all just be links to youtube videos. i can't wait.

miss you. alex

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to Seattle!
    When the mania of studying is over, I'd love to see you again, and hear all about your sexy class!
